Sunday, 17 April 2011

Feijoa Jelly

In our house we love feijoas... small green edible packets of delight! Even though they are plentiful this time of year we just can't get enough of them.

If you are lucky enough to have access to feijoas (or maybe even a tree or two of your own) do try this jelly - it's simple to make and delicious on hot buttered toast:

You can use any quantity of feijoas, but you will need about a kilogram of fruit to get a good size jar of jam.

1. Sort through your feijoas, remove any rotten ones, then wash, and top and tail them. Leave a few under-ripe small hard ones in there, it will help your jelly set.
2. Put them in a large preserving pan with about 1/2c of water (just enough to steam).
3. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 5 - 10 minutes.  Mash with a potato masher to get all the juice out.
4. Leave to cool in the pan.
5. Strain into a muslin cloth, jelly bag or something similar. Hang up and leave to drain for a good few hours (or overnight if you are like me and these projects lose momentum if they take too long). Don't squeeze the mixture or your feijoa jelly will end up cloudy.
6. When you are ready to make the jelly, measure your liquid then add to your (clean) pan with an equal amount (cup for cup) of sugar.  Boil with a knob of butter for about 15 minutes or until setting point is reached (gently drag your finger through a small sample on a cold saucer. If the surface wrinkles, the setting point has been reached).
7. Pour into hot (oven set to 100 Celsius) clean (dish-washered) jars.  Allow to cool and seal.
8. Slather on hot buttered toast. Eat a number of slices to ensure it is as good as you think it is!

Gorgeous golden feijoa jelly

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